Saturday, October 11, 2008

yard sale

So every year, the ladies in our church have a big yard sale (inside our gym). I was asked to come and help set up a couple days before. It also gave me a chance to scope out the loot and hide anything I wanted to buy the next evening, when the yard sale was open to the public. Here are my finds:

old wooden tray. I have a thing for trays right now (anyone know where I can find a galvanized metal tray? I am on the hunt) . Not sure what color I want to paint this one.

old chair. I really liked the lines of this cute chair. I am thinking of painting it creamy white or maybe a buttery yellow for the guest room.

white plates. I really want to do a display of white plates on the wall in my front (dining) room. perhaps hang them with ribbon.

tray-table. I just thought this was cute. Not sure if I will use it as is, or maybe just the tray top.

Now I am a yard sale novice. I will not pretend that I go all the time (or thrifting for that matter) and find all these great pieces. Nor will this one experience spur a love for yard sales within me. If you knew how early I have to get up during the week for work, you would understand why searching for yard sales is the last thing I would want to wake up and do on a Saturday. However, I will say I was happy with my finds and happy with the price tag. $5.50.


Katie said...

Really great finds...Maybe we should gather up a group & head to Alameda, that will really give you the thrifting bug...

Olive Oyl said...

Oh I want to go to Alameda! We are going to the Rose Bowl swap meet in a few weeks... :)

Great finds Toni, I especially love the chair!

allie said...

I want to go to Alameda! Cute stuff Toni!