Saturday, October 1, 2011

week 18 and 19

I honestly cannot believe I am almost 20 weeks. Halfway done. Everyone says the second half does not go by quite as fast as the first. Could it be due to the ever expanding tummy, leg cramps, sleepless nights, and general uncomfortableness? Maybe.

I have been very blessed this pregnancy so far. Sure, I had my share of nausea, exhaustion, food aversions, mood swings (ok. some of those I still have) but I know it could have been much worse. And I although I know the real adventure is ahead, I am a little sad to already be halfway done. So many firsts. First positive test, first time hearing the heartbeat, first ultrasound, first little flutter, first time seeing THAT number on the scale....Ha!

And I know it is cliche, but more than anything I am thankful for a healthy baby. After a little scare at my ultrasound last week, lots of tears, and and a trip to a specialist (all to confirm that everything is fine, baby just had a momentary irregular heartbeat that corrected itself) I am more thankful than ever. This baby is such a gift to us.

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