Tuesday, April 24, 2012

one month

I am a little behind on these posts, but am attempting to catch up. I think most of you can agree that the first month of being a new mom is a bit of a whirlwind. Total bliss mixed with extreme exhaustion mixed with raging hormones and a recovering body makes for a interesting first few weeks.

It is amazing how the best time in your life can also be the most difficult. However, I will always look back on my first month as a new mom with happiness and pride. 
I did it. We made it.

Now, for some Kate highlights!

Friday, April 13, 2012

easter sunday

I did not take too many pictures of Kate's first Easter, considering she spent most of the afternoon like this...

However, we did get a couple family shots.

after church

Frantz/Nikkel/Gloeckler family party

Its so fun having little girls together with our friends!

As you can see, the babies were thrilled to be taking pictures after church.

The first of many holidays enjoyed as a family of three!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

kate's room

For the record, I am not ok with my baby growing so fast and never want her to sleep in her own room (I am sure I will change my tune soon!), but I really like the way the nursery turned out.
I have a few more girly prints picked out on Etsy and some other wall hangings that I may add soon and the bookcase still needs molding added, but for now it is perfect the way it is - simple and sweet.

Thanks to Shelly for making the crib skirt - I love it!...ps the middle fabric is navy, not black